Thursday, February 25, 2010

Eatin' like a horse.

I promise I'm not one of those people who will use pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever I want, which might include 2-3 hot and now Krispy Kreme donuts in one sitting, or a gallon of ice cream, or an entire bag of tortilla chips with the entire 8 oz. tub of sour cream and a bowl of 2-avocado guacamole. I promise, that ain't me. I am trying my hardest to stick to my regular eating routine - 4-5 small meals a day. Breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Fine.

It's the small part that's giving me the most trouble.

I get so hungry between breakfast and lunch that I feel like I could eat my own arm off. That my stomach is literally turning inside of itself. It's a dulling pain. Then, I remember to think of Baby Rowland. He or she must be starving in there, if I'm feeling so starved. So I feel okay when I come home for lunch and proceed to consume chips and salsa while my microwave meal is heating up because it's too difficult to wait an entire three minutes, and then after that, proceed to eat a small bowl of last night's leftovers. Then a cashew nut cluster. Finally, my appetite is satiated. And so is baby's, it seems. Where I used to eat a healthy microwave meal or a sandwich, I now eat three meals at lunchtime.

I have the best intentions, I swear. So when I bring an apple and a pear to work to eat as a midday snack, I think I'm doing fine until I get home again thirty minutes later. There's that "eat my own arm off" feeling again. Jalapeno pimento cheese sandwich kicker, anyone?

The bad part, for those of you who know me too well? I don't like candy corns anymore. The mere thought of them makes me sick. Tell me that's not weird. I made my poor husband go to two different grocery stores to find Bleinheim's hot ginger ale. As if that wasn't bad enough, after we bought it with some pie, I made him stand in line again because I saw some ginger salad dressing on our way out that I just had to have.

I think it's safe to say that Baby Rowland likes ginger. I think it's also safe to say that if I continue to eat like a horse, I will grow to look like the side of a barn.

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