Thursday, April 1, 2010

Doctor's visit, March 29.

Each doctor's visit never ceases to amaze me. We are now four months and two days pregnant - nearly half way there. Baby Rowland is approximately the size of a rubber duckie.

For this particular visit, I had blood tests administered to determine any genetic risks the baby may have. Now that I've done it, I'm a nervous wreck. Steve and I are low to no risk, due to family history on both sides which is nil. But, in this day and age, when so much information can be made available to parents, we chose to be prepared should anything come our way. So, here we are, and here I am, a nervous wreck. No news is good news however, and so I am fairly relaxed and expect no call. Prayers welcome for both my sanity and perfect test results.

That's not the amazing part, though. The amazing part is the surprise I got with the handheld ultrasound device the midwife used to hear the baby's heartbeat again! I am always so, so happy to hear the heart beating so strong, but this time, I also got to hear Baby Rowland moving around! The sound it makes is like something tapping and brushing against a microphone, but my! Baby was moving around like crazy in there, and it made my heart glow. Then, the midwife (one among four and whom I really enjoyed meeting) addressed a small hump just below my belly button, which she explained was the top of my uterus, now almost the size of a small melon. That might explain the recent jutting out of my belly!

If Baby Rowland decides to show us his or her goods, we will find out the sex on the next doctor's visit, which is April 28. We will also get to see a profile of our sweet baby's face, and perhaps other parts like feet and hands. I simply cann0t wait!

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